Investing Risks In The Stock Market
Investing carries various risks based on the returns you aim to achieve. For low risk and low returns, consider a term deposit. For high risk and the potential for quick high returns, look…
Digging A Bigger Hole In The Australian Property
Owning Australian property is an honorable and admirable pursuit. We work and save eventually to own a piece of Australia that we call home. But for Gen Y and younger, it might remain…
3 Simple, Healthy Habits To Unlock Your Investing Potential
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to investing, but certain strategies can boost your chances of success. Habits are patterns of behavior that become ingrained over time. Warren Buffett aptly explains, “Chains of habits are…
A Backdoor Approach To Investing Revisited
Investing is definitely an art form, rather than a precise science. There are many investors that are highly successful, but they all have different styles. Just like I am sure there are many…
The Art Of Getting Rich Vs Staying Rich
Getting rich and staying rich require entirely different skill sets, and one doesn’t necessarily translate to the other. Throughout history, even the smartest individuals have lost fortunes. The cycles of the stock market…
Edge Your Way Out Of The Rat Race
Many people are familiar with the term “rat race.” It describes feeling stuck in a never-ending cycle of work, never getting ahead financially, and constantly working just to make ends meet. Anyone can…
3 Money Habits For Keeping Your Wealth
Our money habits are shaped by our relationship with money as we grow up. Changing these habits takes time and effort, but it is possible. For most people, money habits stem from what…
Are You Crazy For Investing In The Share Market?
I recently had my ceiling repainted after a leaky pipe incident. When the painter finished the four-hour job, he asked me what I did for a living. I told him that among various…
Explode Your Wealth After $100,000
The concept of wealth often gets blurred with being rich, but there’s a nuanced distinction between the two. Many individuals appear affluent with fancy cars, lavish homes, and frequent vacations, indicating a certain…
What Really Is Money?
Have you ever pondered the question, “What is money?” It appears straightforward, doesn’t it? But upon closer examination, its shrouded in mystery? Across the globe, the universal understanding is that money facilitates transactions.…