Re-wiring You Mind For Money Success
Saving money seems like it is out of reach, especially with the rising costs of living. Inflation is at its highest in decades and the majority of Australians have not experienced a recession.…
Big and Safe Blue Chip Stocks – Are They Really?
The term “Blue Chip” stocks was coined in 1920 by Oliver Gingold, an employee of Dow Jones. It was in reference to poker chips where blue chips held the highest value. Many investors…
Money Matters But Why Do We Turn A Blind Eye?
It’s no secret that money matters to a majority of people. But why is it that so many of us turn a blind eye when it comes to our finances? Money matters more…
How To Value a Stock In Under 5 Minutes
There are many ways to value a stock. But is it possible to do it in under 5 minutes? In my previous posts I have outlined how to value a company’s stock with…
Wealth Creation: The Three Simple Laws
Not many people think about wealth creation. People are more concerned with how to get rich, so that they can afford bigger and better things. It’s not the fault of an individual, financial…
Are we Slaves to Money?
Are we slaves to money? When money makes the world go round, its difficult not to think about it. It puts food on the table, a shirt on our backs and a roof…
The Truth about Earnings Season – Expectations vs Reality
Earnings season on the ASX is in full swing. We are one month in and company reports are flooding in. It’s now the beginning of March and we can truly say we are…
If Market Timing Were Possible We Would All Be Rich
If market timing were possible, wouldn’t we all be rich? If everybody were to be able to market time efficiently how will investors make money? The stock market by definition is a zero-sum…
Stock market portfolio diversification. Are you doing it wrong?
Are you diversifying your stock market portfolio all wrong? Diversification in theory provides a safety from your entire portfolio losing its value at the same time. You can think of it as not…
Value a business like a professional investment banker
“In investing you get what you don’t pay for” -John C. Bogle- The stock market is giant distraction from the business of investing. It’s amusing to see daily price fluctuations of stock prices.…