Time in the Market: Unlocking the Secret to Lasting Wealth
One of the most underestimated concepts to build lasting wealth is undoubtedly “time in the market”. Conversely, the oft-cited and overrated statement, “you can never go broke taking a profit,” may lead to…
Investing For Value Or Growth. What Is Right?
Value or Growth, what type of investor are you? During the 1920s, Benjamin Graham, a renowned professor and investor, established a new wave of investors at Columbia Business School, solidifying what we now…
The Tales Of The Unluckiest Investor In The Stock Market
Even if you haven’t delved into Ben Carlson’s insightful book, “A Wealth Of Common Sense,” you may be familiar with the renowned tale of Bob. Bob is the Unluckiest Investor to have lived,…
Big and Safe Blue Chip Stocks – Are They Really?
The term “Blue Chip” stocks was coined in 1920 by Oliver Gingold, an employee of Dow Jones. It was in reference to poker chips where blue chips held the highest value. Many investors…
If Market Timing Were Possible We Would All Be Rich
If market timing were possible, wouldn’t we all be rich? If everybody were to be able to market time efficiently how will investors make money? The stock market by definition is a zero-sum…
Value a business like a professional investment banker
“In investing you get what you don’t pay for” -John C. Bogle- The stock market is giant distraction from the business of investing. It’s amusing to see daily price fluctuations of stock prices.…
How to Value a Business on the Stock Market
“Whenever you invest in a company, you’re looking for its market cap to rise.” -Peter Lynch- How do you value a business on the stock market? Investing in the stock market is tricky,…
Interpreting Financial Statements – Cash Flow Statement
“No matter whether a company makes telecom equipment, cars, or candy, it’s still the same question: How much cash do we get and when?” -Charlie Munger- There is a huge difference between a…
Interpreting Financial Statements – Balance Sheet
“Cash, is to a business as oxygen is to an individual: never thought about when it is present, the only thing in mind when it is absent” -Warren Buffett- Welcome to Part 2…
Part 1: Interpreting Financial Statements – Income Statement
“It’s the language of business and it’s an imperfect language” -Warren Buffett- Welcome to part 1 where we will be interpreting income statements. Every investment requires some basic level of accounting scrutiny. What…